Academic Departments: Department of Rural Development

The Department of Rural Development Studies at Tri-Chandra Multiple Campus was established in 2005 A.D. This department is under the faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.It started bachelor’s level  in 2005 A.D. and Master’s level in 2008 A.D.  There is B.A. Yearly system in Day and evening shift and M.A. has been operating with semester system in evening shift only. This  program intender to give the students a general academic background. In initially period rural development product were mainly   demanded in I/NGOs; now a days the product are used  in development sector and civil service as well as I/NGOs With growing popularity in  this subject. In this subjects,there are, at 4th year B.A. almost 900 students . And like wise in Master’s level 181 students are enrolled all together 580 students are enrolled in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th semester with highest number in Nepal.

Fieldwork and Excursion

Deparment of Rural Development organizes the fieldwork and field-based Research activities as part of curriculum both in B.A. and M.A. During the field works students get an opportunity to show their own potentiality in field-based activities. This is the major attraction of this subject among the students. Presently, there are only 3 full-time faculty members and 33 part time faculty members and only one non-teaching staff.

 Major Key Attractions of the Department

  • Field Research and Excurtion
  • Field work with Report Writing
  • Research Methodology Training
  • Proposal Writing and Report Writing Training
  • SPSS Traning
  • Subject releted experts and Resource Persons Available.
  • Internship with Different Organizations.

Young and Dynamic Faculty Members

Nawaraj Bhattarai

Bishista Shree Bhattara

Susmita Gautam

The objective of this course is to face the road of the concept of the development and rural development, to analyze the shift in development thinking, to analyze the development theories and discourrses.

Syllabus of Master’s in Rural Development Studies(RDS)

First Semester:

  1. Developmetn Theory and Discourse(RDS,551):-Relate theory of rural development in different context.
  2. Economics Dimention of Development(RDS,552):- Applicable to solve the growing problems and issues of economic development from rural prospectives.
  3. Socio-Cultural Dimention of Development(RDS,553):-Relevant to rural development and highlight how socio-anthropololical methods are applicable to address socio-cultural issues in Nepal.
  4. Local Governance and Development(RDS, 554):-Focus on local governance system in Nepal,Decentralization systerm and practices,development administration with their applicability in the field of rural development.
  5. Measurements in Development (RDS,555):-This course is designed to enhance knowledge and understanding of simple statistical analysis.

Second Semester:

  1. Community Development in Nepal(RDS,561):-To understand concept,process and strategies associated with community development in developing countries like Nepal.
  2. Policy,Strategy and Planning in Development(RDS 562):- To analyze planning,process and examine policies and strategies implemented in development countries like Nepal.
  3. Rural Urban Linkage(RDS 563):- Advance knowledge of rural-urban linkage focusing on settlement system,knowledge and use of technique and measure of rural urban relation for development planning to strengthen rural urban linkage.
  4. Project Management (RDS 564):- Developing the skill for project monitoring and evaluation,linking project and monitioring and evalution of development projects.
  5. Agriculture and Development(RDS 565):-Knowledge of the theories of agricultural development,agriculture and rural development,agriculture policy and programs, agriculture modernization and enterpreneurship development.


Third Semester:

  1. Political Economy of Nepal(RDS 571):- To apply political economic perspectives to development programs experienced over various periods in Nepal.
  2. Tourism and Development (RDS 572):- To provide understanding of the concept, issues, policies and practices of tourism with special references of Nepal.
  3. Sustainable Development (RDS 573):- To conceptualize the basic ideas, approaches and strategies of sustainable development.
  4. Gender and Development (RDS 574):- To explore the theoritical approaches to gender and development, development theory and feminist critiques.
  5. Research Methodology (RDS 575):- Designed for the knowledge,techniques and process of research as well as development project proposal.



Fourth Semester:

  1. Population,Migration and Remittance(RDS,581):-To enhance knowledge of students on population and its interelationship with migration and remittance.
  2. Human Resource Management(RDS,582):-To teach the basic concept of human resourse management,its practices,development adn management.
  3. Natural Resourse Management(RDS,583-Optional):- To import students with the know how of environmental and natural resources.
  4. Marketing and Enterpreneurship Development(RDS 584-Optional):- To import the concept of marketing and enterpreneurship development.



Former Heads of the Department:

  1. Assos Prof. Bala Ram K.C.
  2. Assistant Prof. Sarmila Ranabhat
  3. Teaching Assistant Naba Raj Bhattarai ( From 2071 – till now)


Former Program Coordinator (M.A.,R.D.)

1.Assistant Prof. Suman Banskota

2.Assistant Prof. Bisistha Shree Bhattarai

  1. Assistant Prof . Susmita Gautam (From 2078 – uptill now)