The development of psychology can be outlined as the Beginning, Growth and Hope, Period of uncertainty, and the Present period respectively since it was introduced in Nepal. As stated by Edwin G. Boring, Psychology has a long past but a short history. The history of psychology in Nepal can be traced back to 1947 when it was introduced at Tri-Chandra College, Kathmandu inthe intermediate-levelcourse as a part of philosophy. Initially, it was run under the management of Patna University till the establishment of Tribhuvan University (T.U.), the first university in Nepal. T.U. started its teaching, research, and other academic activities on July 14, 1959 A.D., under the Tribhuvan University Act promulgated in the same year. T.U. granted recognition to governmental and non-governmental colleges conducting Intermediate and Bachelor level courses of study.
Tri-Chandra Multiple Campus, the first college in the country, launched Bachelor of Psychology programs in the beginning, initially with few faculties and students. The faculties were Prof. Godat Man Shrestha (Philosophy), Mrs. Jaya Pandey, and Mr. Ram Prasad Sharma. A timeline of Psychology started from 1947 A.D. and reached up to Bachelor of Arts successfully with some legacy of Indian-based curriculum. Curriculum and reference books were prepared, examinations were conducted and certificates wereawarded accordingly. General Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Social Psychology, and Experimental Psychology were taught in the annual education system. Major changes took place in the academic calendar and examination system in 1973 A.D. The practice of yearly education and biennial examination systems was replaced by the American semester system requiring completion of four semesters for the academic degree of Certificate, Diploma, and Degree level programs respectively. The diploma was introduced in July 1975 at Tri-Chandra College, later named Tri-Chandra Multiple Campus. Academic sessions started as summer and winter sessions and were divided into four semesters with 8 to 9 credentials tutorial hours with the endorsement of two subject papers every semester. The curriculum was adopted from the University of California U.S.A. General Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Industrial Psychology, and Guidance and Counselling were major and allied subjects taught atthe diploma level of both day and evening shifts. After completion of four semesters, students were subjected to pass the comprehensive examination.
Degree Level in Psychology was succeeded to open in the department of Psychology in the winter session, 1980 with the immense efforts of students as well as zeal of teachers and the Indian Embassy. Once, the Department of Psychology had suffered having not a single student admitted. The issue was solved by providing the eligibilityfor admission in Bachelor’s degree to the I.Sc. (biology group) students. Then, there were 22 students admitted in 1991. From that year’s number of students ranged from 25 to 75. Psychology is within the faculty of humanities and social sciences in Nepal to date although it is within the faculties of science in many countries.
The department has organized different skill-oriented programs from time to time. Trainings in basic Counselling were conducted in the department with help of the United Mission to Nepal during 1990s. Counseling psychology has increased its practice with Bhutanese refugee problems since1990s and later the armed conflict that lasted ten years leaving millions of people with psychological problems. Psychological services were demanded in private sectors (NGO/INGOs) also. Keeping in the mind the importance of counseling, one year Post Graduation Diploma in Psychological Counselling was launched at the Department of Psychology and Philosophy on February 3, 2005, with 20 students. The program was run under the supervision ofthe central department of Psychology; later on, it was supervised and controlled by Tri-Chandra College personnel. The number of students increased from 20s to 80s during the academic session between 2010 to 2013.
It was a remarkable moment in our department of Psychology, in March 2014, two years MA Clinical Psychology program was launched successfully in the evening shift with more than 40 students. The leadership credit goes to Prof. Hari Prasad Thapalia, and Dept Head Prof. Usha Kiran Subba.In March 2017, four semesters of MA were introduced. Three academic sessions (PGDPC, BA, and MA) have been conducted respectively morning, day, and evening with four hundred students. It was a remarkable moment in our department of Psychology and Philosophy. Moreover, the Department of Psychology and Philosophy actively participated in the earthquake and emergency period in April 2015, to extend their support and expertise to the people of Nepal. It has prepared a group of students to work out in the devastated areas by organizing many workshops, training, and talk program with the association of international experts e.g. APA, Japan, Korea, Italy, America, and Spain. In the meantime, one year program the “Nepal Disaster Specialist Education Program” was launched with the support of IsraAID Support Program (JISP) and the University of Tokyo at the department of Psychology, to prepare them for the future emergency period. Different research skill training from time to time is the usual schedule. Its faculty members are associated with different national and international research teams on child abuse, juvenile delinquency, leadership, and workplace behavior.Tri-Chandra multiple campus is working as a leader for the advancement of the psychology field in Nepal.
Psychology is the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes. It is both a social and a biological science. As a social science, psychology studies humans in interaction with other members of the same species. As a biological science, it regards human beings as the product of evolution and so emphasizes the biological perspective, comparing and contrasting human behavior with that of other species. Students who are interested in psychology as a career must pursue graduate studies-four yearly course. At the graduate level, psychology has many specialized branches including social psychology, child psychology & juvenile delinquency, clinical psychology, adolescent psychology, i/o psychology, and counseling psychology. Psychology has many interdisciplinary aspects. The undergraduate degree in psychology is intended to give the student a general academic background and basic training in psycho-social counseling and psychotherapies. Field visits and internships setting programs are also available in the undergraduate program led by four dedicated professors.Psychology is within regular B. A. (day shift) course to which students can choose it as a major subject.
Coordination: Dr. Narayan Prasad Sharma
Office Clerk: Roshani Shrestha
Office Helper: Kanchhi Bhaili
Philosophy Department was started with establishment Tri-Chandra College in 1918 and under Patana University and letter become part of TU. In the history, it was led by renowned philosopher and campus chief Prof. Godattaman Shrestha and other senior professors. From the very beginning, this department was flourished under the guardianship of the best scholars of the country.
Nowadays, this department is combined with psychology department for administrative purpose. TU has introduced a four yearly advanced syllabus highlighting Nepalese, Indian and Western branches of Philosophy equally and this department with three dedicated professors is the leader of the discipline in Nepal. Philosophy is within regular B. A. (day shift)course to which students can choose it as a major subject.
Coordination: Dr. Narayan Prasad Sharma
Office Clerk: Roshani Shrestha
Office Helper: Kanchhi Bhaili
Post Graduate Diploma in Counseling Psychology
This course is intended to provide students basic skills in psychosocial assessment and counseling interventions. This course involves sequenced skill training, with extensive counseling simulation and supervision of practice in a field setting. In addition to regular class meetings and time spent in group supervision with the instructor, students are required to be in attendance at their practicum settings. Continuing students should plan to contact the coordinator a time to time, in order to arrange the best match between student needs and field placement availability. More than a hundred students in three sections enrolled in this program every year. This is one of the morning shiftsprograms at TC since 2005. It is a self-sustained program run by highly skilled professors and professionals in the counseling field.
Coordination: Dr. Govinda Saran Upadhyay
Office Clerk: Hima Laxmi Bhandari
Office Helper: Kalpana Poudel
In March 2017, the MA semester program was introduced in this campus. It is an evening shift program. M. A. clinical psychology program also includes a hospital internship in assessment and psychotherapy. It has focused on practical research skills for the students. We are proud of our highly qualified faculty members who are helping to run this program successfully, e.g.:
Dept Head: Dr. Narayan Prasad Sharma
Prof. Dr. Shanta Niraula
Asst. Prof.: Praldah Adhikari
Asst. Prof.: Apsara Katwal
Asst. Prof.: Prabin Shrestha
Asst. Prof.: Deesis Aryal, M. Phil
Asst. Prof.: Suman Sharma
Asst Prof.: Dr. Pradip Manandhar
Coordination: Prof. Dr. Ram Chandra Aryal
Office Clerk: Nabraj Baral
Office Helper: Rina Thapa