Mathematics is an interesting and vital subject that serves as the foundation for physical sciences and technology. Its importance is growing in many fields, including business, finance, management, engineering, information technology, biology, medicine, and many social sciences.
The department of Mathematics was established in 1918 AD, the same year as the Tri-Chandra Campus (1975 BS). This department has been running a successful Bachelor’s level program for B.A. / B.Sc. in Mathematics. Since 2076 BS, the department of Mathematics has been conducting project work for interested students in the fourth year of four years B.Sc. program as an elective subject in Mathematics to develop curiosity and explore new useful things in the actual world so that a society may benefit. Students have achieved amazing results in a short period of time.
We have well-trained academic members with teaching and research expertise. This department now contains four Associate Professors, sixteen Assistant Professors, four Teaching Assistants, and six part-time teachers. Among them, seven have finished M.Phil. Programs, two have completed Ph.D. degree, and five are Ph.D. research scholars. Associate Prof. Ananda Prasad Panta is the current head of the department of Mathematics at Tri-Chandra.
This department has remarkable achievement from the past 10 decades. All of the recognized teachers, and staffs have equally contributed to the department’s outstanding foundation. Many leaders have demonstrated great efforts in their individual legacies throughout the accomplishment of this milestone. It is an honor to memorialize our late representatives as well as addressing our current members of the department, as illustrated below.