Prof. Ashutosh Sen had been specially invited from India to begin the Intermediate of Science (I. Sc.) Program here at Tri-Chandra College, Ghantaghar. One year later, this was expanded with the official addition of the two-year Bachelor of Science (B.Sc. Program) in Physics in the premises of this college. However, it was not until 2021 BS when the Department of Physics, with Prof. Phanindra Prasad Lohani as the first Head of Department, was formerly established here in Tri-Chandra College. With the establishment of the Department of Physics, the Post Graduate/Masters level program was duly initiated. Later on, when Tri-Chandra College became affiliated to The Tribhuvan University, the Central Department of Physics shifted into the premises of Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu in 2023 BS.
The present 4 year B.Sc. Program has been running since 2069 BS and currently, there are almost five hundred students in their final year. Since the establishment of 4-year B.Sc. Program with the inclusion of final year projects, students have done outstanding works in such short times, and published several papers in international journals. Furthermore, many of them have expressed their desire to continue their study in M.Sc. Physics here in Tri-Chandra College. Unfortunately, the M.Sc. Physics Program is currently unavailable herein Tri-Chandra College. However, we the faculty, are seeking to start the M.Sc. program soon, and thus cater to the needs of our students and help produce highly qualified Scientists and Professionals to the betterment of our county. We are and have always been sincerely committed to maintaining high standards on our programs.
Presently, there are 38 permanent faculty members and additional 6 staff members in the Department of Physics here in Tri-Chandra College. The 38 faculty members comprise of 2 Professors, 7 Associate Professors, 26 Assistant Professors, and 3 Teaching Assistants. The current Head of Department of Physics in Tri-Chandra College is Prof. Dr. Nilam Shrestha Pradhan.
Former Faculties of Department:
Balaram Joshi has built a Vande Graff Generator in this departments and demonstrated in the Science Exhibition held in the department. He was intended to establish a center like Bhava Atomic Center in Mumbai.
Former Heads
Research Center for Applied Science and Technology, Kirtipur-44613, Kathmandu, Nepal
Research Areas - Research Center for Applied Science and Technology (RECAST), Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu-44613, Nepal.
It’s my pleasure and privilege to express few words about our department of Physics.
The department of Physics was established in 1918 AD. At first stage, the department started to conduct program of intermediate in science to fulfill the demand of students for enrollment in medicine and in engineering. At the second stage, Bachelor’s degree in science was started to fulfill the demand of high school science and math teachers and to induct into government services. Higher education in Nepal was started from Tri-Chandra Multiple Campus.
This Department is committed to support the mission of Tri-Chandra college for producing human resources needed for overall development of our country,Nepal. It does this through excellence teaching in classroom and instructions to acquire the knowledge, develops skills and competencies. This department offers various subject combinations for students
Physics, Chemistry, Math (PCM),Environment, Physics and Maths (EPM), GSM, MPM. etc.
The department emphasis on experimental and extracurricular activities, project work, Workshops scientific talk programme, Teachers training programme, collaborative program, research work……etc.
All faculty members of this department are highly qualified and are ever ready to help students who are in need of any educational assistance. M.Sc. in Physics was launched in 1964 AD in the Department, which was later shifted to Central Campus in Kirtipur in 1966.
Prof.Phanindra Prasad Lohani was former head of department since 2012 to 2019.The first Chair was Prof. Ashutosh and chaired the post from 2012 B.S.
Various types of academics programme are conducted in the Department.
Through hands -on learning in classes internships, leadership in student’s clubs, environment clubs eco-club, global learning out of class experiences, students can get practical experiences that complement their class room learning.
The goal of the Department is to prepare undergraduate students. Most of the students choose the job of teaching in high school all over Nepal, some of them continue their higher study both in Nepal and abroad.
They are committed to help student for making them success in their carrier. They are advancing their fields of expertise by publishing their research work and teaching materials in leading academic journals and publications. Bringing leading edge research to the classroom means that students benefits from recent advances in knowledge and the wisdom inside the faculty at the forefront of their profession.
Because of the pandemic situation real classes were not possible due to lock down imposed by the government keeping in view of the public health safety. The Department of Physics, despite this, conducted online virtual classes from 23, April 2020, using google meet, zoom and Microsoft teams provided by Tribhuwan University central office . The classes were conducted from B. Sc. first year to fourth year and is continuous till now. Teaching and learning is a continuous process and therefore it should not be stopped as otherwise it may have long term bad consequences on human resources production that is needed for the smooth functioning of the country in different time.
The department of Physics provides quality education on a large number of students from across the country having diverse socio-Economic cultural background. Because of the regular classes, project work, smooth practical classes and committed teaching faculty, the number of students are increasing, located at the heart of the capital city.
Students can choose their interested subject because of the availability of the various combinations of subjects in Physics.
Being a government run campus the fee structure is minimum, students from poor economic background can also afford easily in comparison to private campuses where fee structure is generally high.
We have well qualified permanent and part time Physics faculties for guiding the students in various subjects of Physics and supervise their project work if in case of demand. some of them are experts in plasma Physics Superconductivity, Thins films, Astrophysics, Electronics, Solar panel design, Medical physics, computational Physics, atmospheric physics etc.
Let me, on behalf of department, extend my heartfelt gratitude to parents, Guardians, teaching and non -teaching staffs, students and all the Well-wishers of Tri –Chandra Campus.
We want to make the Department of Physics as center of excellence and our efforts are ever invested to retain this idea and contribute to produce the holistic citizens so as to make them able to shoulder the responsibility of society and nation needed in various walks of lives .We are committed to prepare the human capital instilled with both the hard skills and the soft skills to empower them to becomes innovative think of creative problem solvers and inspired learners prepared to thrive in the coming years .The department is committed to create a positive school culture where the seed of future holistic citizens is nurtured .
The height and strength that this department has acquired, so far are not by a single hand but by the combined efforts of team work. These outcomes are also contemplated by the institution’s long legacy, and her inner system.